Mining and maritime unions from around the world pledge to support 1800 miners and escalate the dispute with Rio Tinto and Groupo Mexico "dramatically and strategically to make them global battles"
AWU national secretary and MUA alliance partner Paul Howes told the Canberra Press Club today a disciplined union movement was ready to again fight the Coalition and accused "rogue agrarian capital
S.R. Kulkarni.President.All India Port & Dock Workers' Federation has written to MUA National Secretary Paddy Crumlin to thank the union for our solidarity.
Maritime workers gather outside the offices of Rio Tinto in Collins Street Melbourne to protest the company locking out miners in western Californian town of Boron.
Terry Tindale, veteran seafarer and union official recalls the hardship endured by Australian seafarers on board the BHP Iron Boats at a special function held to commemorate the once strong fleet o
The ITF today supplied Møller-Maersk with further proof for its assertion that for years one of its subcontractors in India has got away with violent attacks on its workers, and demanded that the D