Waterside worker and long time Aboriginal activist Charles "Chicka" Dixon has died in Sydney aged 81 - struck down by asbestos he contracted working on the wharves.
MUA National Secretary Paddy Crumlin and Deputy National Secretary Mick Doleman join delegates at the ITF Berlin joint seafarer and docker meeting in condemning Norway flagging out nation's oil and
Today MUA members at Patrick bulk and general, Darwin will be gathering at their local pub to have a few beers and toast the union victory over Patrick.
Unions have scored two key victories for workers rights with global shipping and stevedoring giant Maersk this week - one on the homefront in the joint MUA/AWU campaign to have the company negotiat
The Jets and the Tigers man the barricades this Saturday ... and the coveted trophy is the appropriately named Solidarity Shield, recognising the industrial working-class and trade union heritage