Message of solidarity with Patrick workers

Published: 15 Jun 2011

Message of Solidarity sent from the International Transport Workers' Federation Dockers Section, to the Patrick workers of Australia.

MUA Comrades,  

Fraternal greetings from the International Transport Workers Federation Dockers Section.  We send our solidarity and support in your current dealings with Patrick Stevedores.

The ITF Dockers Section is glad to hear from your General Secretary, Paddy Crumlin, that there is hope of a resolution, especially on the critical issues affecting dockers' safety.

We offer our support and solidarity to the wharfies of Australia. Dockers everywhere view with extreme concern the high level of mortality and serious injury on the job in Australia and other countries, and are determined to pursue a worldwide campaign improving and consolidating safety in the industry.

The working men and women of Australia's ports face the global challenges we all struggle against - a Global Financial Crisis brought about by elitist, neo-conservative commercial and political forces, the casualisation of work, a movement away from freedom of association and collective bargaining and the challenges of climate change.

Maritime workers the world over have always been at the forefront of defending the rights of workers and unionists. We give our strongest solidarity and support for your stand against Patrick Stevedores.   

The Maritime Union of Australia is renowned for its commitment and leadership for social justice, Labour solidarity and progressing the interests of workers and their families.  Your union is at the forefront of the campaign to protect the rights of working people and trade unionists. These efforts are to be applauded.

Health and safety on the docks must never be compromised. Only the highest standards are good enough. Anything less is entirely contrary to what the ITF and its affiliated unions, along with many in the industry, are striving for - ports that are safe places to work. The ITF is working with its affiliates on all fronts to achieve that goal, and monitoring the disturbing developments in Australia is a priority.

Australian wharfies can rely on the continued support of the ITF as they fight for a fair and just resolution to this ongoing dispute.

Solidarity and in Unity,       

Frank Leys - Secretary

Jessie Fenn - Assistant Secretary

ITF Dockers Section



Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney