For Members Working for Harbour City Ferries Pty Ltd

Published: 27 May 2013

MUA members who are employed by Harbour City Ferries should take note of the following order from Fair Work Commission

Application for an order to stop industrial action.
1. This order applies to:
a. Harbour City Ferries Pty Ltd (Company);

b. The Maritime Union of Australia (MUA); and

c. the following individual delegates and officials of the MUA;

i. Mr Steve Staines, employee of the Company and MUA delegate;

ii. Mr Paul McAleer, Secretary MUA - Sydney Branch; and

iii. Mr Paul Garrett, Assistant Secretary MUA - Sydney Branch.

2. The parties bound by this order must not engage in and/or organise industrial action,
other than in accordance with the Fair Work Act 2009.

3. The MUA must:

a. immediately advise all delegates and members employed by the Company of
the issue of these orders, including by distributing a copy of this order issued
by the Fair Work Commission by all reasonable means of distribution
(including facsimile, hand delivery and email); and

b. immediately advise delegates and employees who are its members that:

i. any industrial action must not be engaged in, threatened or organised;

ii. any instructions, directions or advice in connection with industrial
action proposed to occur must be withdrawn.

4. This order shall come into effect at 2pm on 27 May 2013 and cease on 27 June 2013.


To view the original order, download the order here.


Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney