Unionist urges super funds to invest in infrastructure

Published: 13 Jun 2012

The Australian Financial Review reports into Paddy Crumlin's role in Workers Capital investment:

by Pip Freebairn, Australian Financial Review

The head of one of the country’s most powerful unions will use the economic forum to encourage industry superannuation funds to play a greater role in infrastructure investment.

Paddy Crumlin, national secretary of the Maritime Union of Australia, will sit on a panel led by Transport Minister Anthony Albanese to discuss “investment in productive infrastructure” in Brisbane . “We need new infrastructure in Australia, infrastructure needs stable and predictable funding. Retirees need steady and reasonable returns, so this makes sense,” he said.

Action to encourage super funds to invest in infrastructure had “moved in fits and starts” but forum participants had the chance to develop a “cohesive policy”.


Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney