Crumlin Welcomes New ILO Director-General Elect

Published: 31 May 2012

MUA National Secretary and ITF President Paddy Crumlin reports that Guy Ryder has been elected director-general of the ILO (International Labour Organization) this week.

"On behalf of the ITF and my own union the MUA I'd like to convey my hearty congratulations to Guy on his successful election as the new ILO Director-General." Mr Crumlin Said.

"Guy, a man of considerable experience, will be the first person to take on this role who has come from a trade union background, rather than directly from a government one."

"This is an historic moment for the labour movement where the governing body has identified a candidate who was the senior official in the world trade union movement as having the qualities of leadership required to be the primary person responsible in the delivery of international labour standards affecting the great majority of human beings."

"The position is critical to decent and safe work, social justice, economic development, cultural enhancement and a genuine reconciliation of material and moral values in the world today and for generations to come."

"As a fellow trade unionist it is heartening that the skills, experience and competency Guy has demonstrated as a trade unionist have also been identified by the world's governments and employers as the qualities required to navigate and confront the many demands facing international workers and their employers in the new global economy."

"With your many other brothers and sisters, friends and comrades - particularly at the ITF - we look forward to working with Guy in meeting the challenges and delivering protection and security for international working men and women." added Crumlin.





Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney