MUA Rally At New Zealand Consulate

Published: 20 Mar 2012

Hundreds of activists protested outside the New Zealand Consulate in Sydney yesterday, to send a strong message of solidarity with the 300 MUNZ workers that have been locked out of their jobs in Auckland.

The Ports of Auckland wharfies continue to stay strong on the picket line campaigning against a dispute that has turned ugly. The rally was well attended by MUA members (from Sydney, Newcastle and Port Kembla branches) and other union comrades and community supporters.

MUNZ delegate James Kirkham, who flew over especially for the rally was overwhelmed.

“When we seen the support that the MUA were giving us back home, it had an amazing impact on the community. We thank you guys for your continued support.”

“We need to win this dispute! We cannot let Ports of Auckland become the new labour model for ports all around the world.” added Mr Kirkham.

MUA Deputy National Secretary Mick Doleman said, “Today’s rally was attended by activists from across the political spectrum, keen to see justice prevail for these workers,”

“The message to the Ports of Auckland management is clear. We will not sit idly by and allow blatant abuses and injustices to proceed,”  said Mr Doleman.

Speakers at the rally included Sydney Branch Secretary Paul McAleer, South Coast Labour Council President Arthur Rorris and Mark Lennon, Secretary of Unions NSW.

The Ports of Auckland dispute will continue until the workers get justice. Unions and community activists have pledged to continue their international solidarity.


Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney