ITF Dockers Pass Resolution On Ports Of Auckland

Published: 12 Mar 2012

The International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF) Dockers GNT Global Seminar at Aqaba in Jordan has passed the following resolution in support of Ports of Auckland workers.

The ITF Dockers Global GNT Seminar, convening in Aqaba, Jordan from 12 - 14 March 2012, which includes union affiliate attendees from the Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, United Kingdom, Morocco, Lebanon, Bahrain, Algeria, Libya, Egypt, Jordan, Yemen, Singapore, India Hong Kong, Malaysia, Philippines, Australia, South Africa, Kenya, Ghana, Costa Rica and Germany. 

1.              Notes that the Ports of Auckland dispute has now entered a critical phase

2.              Notes that 300 workers from the Maritime Union of New Zealand (MUNZ) have been sacked;

3.              Notes that Ports of Auckland Ltd has moved to replace them with non-union contract labour;

4.              Notes that the MUNZ and the ITF considers this to be completely unacceptable;

5.              Notes that the ITF has now declared Auckland a Port of Convenience (POC);

6.              Notes that all shipping lines with the exception of Maersk have stopped using Auckland as a port until the dispute is settled and have found alternative ways to move their cargo; and

7.              Notes that the MUA and its members are currently the subject of significant court action in Australia over alleged unprotected industrial action in relation to the Maersk Brani.

Accordingly, the Global GNT Seminar meeting of the ITF:

1.              Demands the full cooperation of Maersk consistent with their own code of conduct on third party parties;

2.              Demands that the port stays in public hands and continues to employ unionised labour through MUNZ;

3.              Demands that Ports of Auckland negotiate in good faith with MUNZ in order to achieve a collective agreement;

4.              Demands that Maersk withdraw from any legal action levelled at any ITF affiliates associated with the struggle; and

5.              Asks that affiliates commit to being involved in an ongoing, active campaign in support of Ports of Auckland workers and others who may be affected.



Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney