Victory in Egypt

Published: 4 Mar 2012

Dispute ends in Sokhna port.

The ITF is pleased to announce that the dispute in Egypt's port of Sokhna ended at midnight last Sunday, after the Independent Union of Sokhna Port Workers won concessions on workforce involvement and profit sharing. Agreement was reached following talks involving the union, DPW (Dubai Ports World), the governor of Suez city, the military representative, and the head of the Red Sea Ports Authority.

ITF Arab World representative Bilal Malkawi said: "The strike lasted for 10 days, with the whole terminal completely out of operation. I am glad that this tough strike has come to an end with a real victory and a signed agreement. The dockers of Sokhna have won assurances on pay and bonuses that were their core demands. They and their union's actions have proved decisive."
"We are glad to see DPW (Dubai Ports World) respond positively to the call to support the negotiations that have now delivered a result that we believe will be good for everyone involved, worker and employer alike."

He continued: “The support received from ITF affiliated unions and its effect on morale was highly praised by the workers.”

Frank Leys, ITF dockers’ section secretary, said: “This has been a great effort by the union members in Sokhna and their friends worldwide. It is also the kind of result the ITF’s global network terminals campaign was set up to achieve. We are and will continue to be in favour of genuine and constructive dialogue with global employers.”

The 1,200 port workers in Sokhna, on the southern approach to the Suez Canal, had called on DPW to implement an agreement dating from last October to settle pay compensation claims, including an extraordinary efforts allowance.


Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney