Carbon price Bills passed by House of Reps, now let's get on with the job

Published: 12 Oct 2011

Today's momentous decision by the House of Representatives to pass the price on pollution package will provide certainty for Australian workers and business.

ACTU President Ged Kearney said after years of debate and negotiations, Australia was now on the path towards a low-carbon economy.

"Once the political heat of the moment has passed, Australians will look back on today as a nation-building decision," Ms Kearney said.

"This is nation-building because putting a price on pollution will not only help the environment, but it will transform our economy.

"Passage of the Bills in the House of Representatives today will provide certainty to investors and it will be a trigger for industries to adopt new, low-polluting technologies, and give Australian companies a chance to compete in the global low-carbon economy.

"This will in turn ensure that jobs will be maintained in existing industries that adapt to the new economic reality, but also that new job opportunities can be unlocked.

"The passage of the Bills also provides certainty for Australian workers and their families by allowing them to begin planning for the largest economic adjustment for a generation."

Ms Kearney said the carbon price package had been negotiated with close involvement by unions to ensure that the interests of workers and their families were always first and foremost.

Unions successfully pushed for industry assistance to trade-exposed emissions-intensive industries, and coal mining.

Unions also insisted that a sizeable proportion of the revenue generated from a price on pollution was allocated to making existing industry more energy-efficient, and developing new industries.

She said it was disappointing that the Coalition seemed determined to continue playing the role of wrecker, even when most Australians want action on climate change, and a price on pollution is now inevitable.

"We look forward to the Bills now being passed into law by the Senate, so Australian workers can get on with the job of moving to a clean energy future." 


Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney