MUA Committed to Public Ownership of Sydney Ferries

Published: 5 Sep 2011

The Sydney Branch of the Maritime Union of Australia remains convinced that public ownership continues to be the best option for Sydney Ferries.

A meeting today of the Sydney Branch of the Maritime Union of Australia has resolved that privatisation of Sydney Ferries is not in the best interests of the community or the workforce.

The meeting was called by the State Government to give the workforce a chance to consider the privatization.

MUA Sydney Assistant Branch Secretary, Paul Garrett called on the Government to abandon its sell off plans.

“The NSW Coalition was elected on a platform of improving services to the public, yet since they were elected they’ve done nothing but attack the jobs, rights and entitlements of the people who deliver them,” Mr Garrett said.

“Barry O’Farrell seems intent on selling off public assets and forcing public sector workers into Workchoices-style workplace agreements.

“To date, all we’ve seen from the Government is a cost cutting agenda. We remain concerned that will only diminish services, safety and reliability.

While the MUA remains committed to dialogue with the Government, Mr Garrett said the union was increasingly concerned about the Government’s conduct in negotiations.

Embarrassingly, despite calling today’s meeting, the State Government failed to provide buses to transport ferry workers to the meeting.

“You would think getting buses to pick up ferry workers for a meeting called by the Government would be pretty straightforward, but apparently that’s not the case,” Mr Garrett said.

“Nothing we’ve seen so far gives us confidence that the Government prioritises services, safety and reliability.





Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney