National Office Staff Put the 'F' in Fun Run and Raise $3000

Published: 15 Aug 2014

MUA National Office Staff smashed it at the weekend’s City To Surf raising more than $3000 for Hunterlink Recovery Services. 

Organised by Michelle Summers, National Organiser Bernie Farrelly, National Legal Officer Kristian Bolwell and Communications Officer Ashleigh Telford all took part in the grueling 14 km race that includes the infamous heartbreak hill.

Bolwell lead the pack coming in first out of the Hunterlink Lifersavers team with Summers hot on his heals.

“I found inspiration in listening to the Survivor hit ‘Eye of the Tiger’ on repeat on my Walkman while wearing the latest in 80s fashion,” the K Train said.

Farrelly had walked the majority of the race with Telford and Mavuli but decided in the last four kilometres to power through to take third place.

“I just had to seize the moment,” he said.

“As an athlete, I would include this in my top 50 sporting achievements.”

Bringing it up the rear Telford came in a respectable last place but still beat 10,000 others who took part in the annual fun run.

Summers who was the brain-child behind the event said it was an exhilarating experience and one she would be competing in again next year.

“Highlights of the race included shuffling for X-Factor star Red Foo and overtaking the Toll team,” she said.

“We managed to raise a good chunk of money for the team at Hunterlink who do an excellent job of looking after our guys on the wharves and at sea.

“I’d like to thank everyone who donated, including major sponsors the MUA, Aquamarine Travel and Sydney Ferries.

There is still time to sponsor the runners who are still recovering from their efforts.

BSB: 802-884
A/C No: 49232 S5
A/C Name: Hunter Workers Rehabilitation & Counselling Services Ltd

If you would like a tax receipt contact National Office 02 9267 9134



Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney