One Seafarer in Critical Condition After Yesterday's Ship Fire

Published: 10 Oct 2014

One Filipino seafarer remains in a critical condition after sustaining burns and smoke inhalation after yesterday’s livestock ship fire.

Another two seafarers who were taken to hospital have been cleared for released and will join the other 52 crew in accommodation being provided by the Australian shipping company – Wellard.

International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) Inspector Keith McCorriston said he was working with the company to get the injured man’s family flown into Perth.

McCorriston said the fire took more than 18 hours to extinguish and he believes the ship will be unable to sail in its current condition.

He met with the men at the Mission to Seafarers in Fremantle, known as the Flying Angel Club.

Maritime Union of Australia members have offered to make the seafarer's stay more comfortable by volunteering at the club over the weekend. 

"The generosity of MUA members is indicative of true feelings of solidarity towards workers, no matter their country of origin."

ITF Australia Co-ordinator Dean Summers said the ITF was working with the crew from the Flag of Convenience (FOC) ship, Ocean Drover, in Fremantle to ensure they have everything they need.

“Most appear to have lost all of documentation including passports and seafarers papers,” Summers said.

“The ITF have committed to work with the Australian owners over the immediate future and will meet next week to settle industrial agreements for the three ships in the Wellard fleet.

“We all share grave concerns for the Filipino seafarer in hospital and our best wishes are with him and his family who are being flown in to be with him.”


Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney