MUA Proud To Support White Ribbon Day

Published: 25 Nov 2014

The Maritime Union of Australia is proud to once again support White Ribbon Day, which coincides with the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.

The MUA has been actively engaged with White Ribbon for many years to try to eliminate violence against women.

White Ribbon is Australia’s only national, male-led campaign to end men’s violence against women.

MUA Deputy National Secretary and former White Ribbon Ambassador of the Year Mick Doleman said the awareness created on November 25 was vital.

“On average one woman each week is murdered by her male partner,” Mr Doleman said.
“That is simply unacceptable in a modern society and that is why the MUA has worked so hard to pull our weight on White Ribbon Day.

“I am always pleased with the reaction I get from blokes in our industry who I talk to, who are comfortable in discussing the issue and taking the White Ribbon oath: never to commit, excuse or remain silent about violence against women.

“But we still have a long way to go. We will know we are really winning this battle when the vast majority of men feel brave enough to speak out in everyday situations, at the pub, in the mess room, or over the back fence.

“This is not a campaign that can be won through laws and regulations - we need to shift the culture.”

Members around the country got involved this year by writing NO on their hand and sharing on social media. Several branches held events to raise money for White Ribbon and the Annual General Meetings of the union swore the oath.

Yesterday afternoon, lead by National Women's Liaison Officer Mich-Elle Myers, male leaders of the ACTU Executive also swore the oath and made particular mention to the MUA’s work in this regard and the setting up of a steering group for White Ribbon of 11 unions.

Yesterday also marked the 17th agreement that contains a domestic violence clause.

From the photos of support, click here.     

Follow the action on MUA Instagram: maritime_union_australia #WhiteRibbonMUA


Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney