UPDATED: Important Notice Concerning the 2015 Quadrennial Election

Published: 13 Feb 2015

In accordance with Sub-Rule 45(i) of the MUA Registered Rules, I hereby notify the membership of the following matters.

The 2015 Election Timetable is available here.

The following Officers have given me written notice concerning their intentions for the 2015 Quadrennial Elections:

  • Michael Carr, present Queensland Branch Secretary, shall not nominate for any Office of Officer of the Union;
  • David Cushion, present Victorian Branch Assistant Secretary, shall not nominate for any Office of Officer of the Union;
  • Michael Doleman, present National Deputy Secretary, shall not nominate for any Office of Officer of the Union;
  • Paul Sheehan, present Queensland Branch Assistant Secretary, shall not nominate for any Office of Officer of the Union;


  • Doug Heath, present Western Australian Branch Assistant Secretary, has tendered his resignation from Office which will take effect on 28 April 2015. Consequently, the Office of Western Australian Branch Assistant Secretary will become vacant during the Election process and will need to be filled at the 2015 Quadrennial Election under the MUA Rules.


  • Trevor Munday, present Queensland Branch Deputy Secretary, shall not nominate for that position, but intends to nominate for the Office of Queensland Branch Secretary; and
  • Will Tracey, present Western Australian Branch Assistant Secretary, shall not nominate for that position, but intends to nominate for the Office of National Deputy Secretary.

Members should note that in compliance with the Rules, these Notices are irrevocable, and such Notices must be given to the National Secretary at least 28 days before the opening of nominations.

Paddy Crumlin

National Secretary


Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney