MUA Commemorates Bombing of Darwin Memorial

Published: 19 Feb 2015

Union members, including the MUA joined the families of those who were killed, and the wider community in commemorating the anniversary of the bombing of Darwin whereby hundreds of people lost their lives at the hands of the Japanese military.

MUA NT Branch Secretary Thomas Mayor, who was remembering in absentia as one of the hosts of the inaugural Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander conference being held in Perth, said it was important to remember that it was seafarers and wharfies who were some of the first to fall.
Relieving NT Branch Official Chrissy Von Wootten addressed those gathered for the memorial on behalf of the Branch. Chrissy acknowledged the traditional owners of the land that was bombed, the Larrakia people, and noted that Larrakia decsendants were working on the wharf when it was bombed and were also killed. Christine spoke about the dangerous security position that the current Abbott Government has put Australia in with their attacks on Australian seafarers.
“Our country as an island nation needs Australian ships and Australian seafarers in times of crisis and right now, the Liberal National Party led by Tony Abbott is viciously attacking the jobs of Australian seafarers. The stupidity of this policy is blatantly clear as we remember the wharfies and seafarers that were killed here today.
“It’s important to remember these events because it’s usually working people who bear the brunt of war around the world and its important that their lives are honoured."


Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney