Greens to Push for Senate Inquiry on Flag of Convenience Shipping

Published: 2 Jun 2015

The Greens are backing the call from the Maritime Union of Australia for a Senate Inquiry into flag of convenience shipping, following ABC Four Corners’ investigation into three deaths on the coal ship MV Sage Sagittarius.

“These tragic deaths have shone a light on disturbing issues within the flag of convenience shipping industry,” said the Australian Greens transport spokesperson Senator Janet Rice.

“There are very real concerns about workplace conditions and compliance with safety and environmental standards on these ships.

“When we should be helping the industry address these issues, Tony Abbott’s push to deregulate the shipping industry is only going to exacerbate them.

“Not only would the Abbott government’s agenda cost Australian jobs, this case shows that it could cost lives.

“For the sake of the lives and welfare of international seafarers, we need a senate inquiry into flag of convenience shipping.

“We’ll be working with others in Parliament to make sure this gets the scrutiny it needs.”


Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney