MUA Appeal Overturns Commissioner and Gifts Patrick Workers 11.75 per cent Super

Published: 27 Jul 2015

The MUA has come out on top over Patrick Stevedores after successfully appealing a Fair Work Commission decision. 

Patrick had argued that its employees were only entitled to 11.25 per cent superannuation as per their Enterprise Bargaining Agreement but the union claimed that figure was actually 11.75 per cent.

FWC Vice President Watson originally agreed with Patrick’s interpretation but an appeal heard by the Full Bench quashed Watson’s decision.

Deputy National Secretary Will Tracey said it was a significant win for the union.

“After a lot of blood, sweat and tears we were able to secure an extra half-a-per cent in super, which will enable wharfies a better chance of retiring with dignity,” Tracey said.

“The work of some key people, including the legal team, some branch officials and outgoing Deputy National Secretary Mick Doleman have helped cement this win and should be congratulated for not giving up after the original ruling."

The union will liaise with the company to ensure current and former employers entitled to the extra payments are compensated.


Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney