Abbott Govt Accepts Sacking Workers by Email with No Notice

Published: 8 Aug 2015

The Federal Employment Minister Eric Abetz thinks it’s alright to sack any Australian worker in the middle of the night by email or text.

On ABC TV News last night, Mr Abetz made an appalling comment on the 100 workers sacked by Hutchison Ports Australia via email sent at midnight Thursday.

“If the culture is that employees can text message the boss and they in fact expect the boss to text message them then that may be appropriate methodology,” Mr Abetz said.

Maritime Union of Australia NSW Branch Secretary Paul McAleer said Abetz’s comment shows yet again that the Abbott Government is out of touch.

“I can’t believe how out of touch Eric Abetz is. He says it’s ok to sack workers via text message or email. This is after Abetz actively supported the recent job losses for workers onboard the Alexander Spirit in Devonport.” Mr McAleer said.

“Unemployment figures released this week show there are more than 800,000 Australians out of work for the first time in 20 years and the Minister for Employment simply raises the white flag for more job losses. He should be standing up for Australian workers.”

There is currently a community picket outside Hutchison Port Botany and Brisbane.

There are guards on the gates and workers not even allowed to clear their lockers.


Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney