More Jobs Gone in Dawson, Christensen Needs to Go

Published: 1 Jul 2016

As a result of 20 tugboat workers being sacked protestors rallied yesterday outside of Dawson MP George Christensen’s office to highlight his ineffectiveness as a local member.

With only one day until Australians head to the polling booth, workers and the 8.4 per cent unemployed in the region are keen to see a change of Government.

MUA Deputy National Secretary Will Tracey said Mr Christensen had been disingenuous on the sacking of the the Hay Point tug boat workers from BHP Billiton – Mitsubishi Alliance and was trying to deflect blame.

“The power is in the Federal Government to change the Fair Work Act to protect against sham contracting arrangements which has allowed BMA to sack its loyal, hardworking crews,” Mr Tracey said.

“These were just another example of good, long-term, stable jobs that have disappeared during Mr Christensen’s tenure.”

Mr Christensen has presided over the biggest leap in unemployment in any Queensland electorate since his Government was elected in 2013.

“It’s time for a change, for someone who can protect jobs, to take control and not someone who only promises things should they get elected.”


Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney