DP World's Intransigence in Mooring Must Stop

Published: 10 Aug 2016

DP World's mooring grab WILL hurt you

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DPW finished bargaining and the last two agreements were finally certified in March. So that’s about four and a half months and now DP World want to open the agreement up! No way - What’s next.

Have you ever been called in to the boss’s office to answer for something, a policy breach, too many sickies or you may have taken industrial action and gotten a letter. You have to answer for your apparent breaches or non-adherence to the EBA don’t you? Well DP World should as well. We can’t just change what we don’t like and neither should the company be able to.

Competitive Advantage

The simple facts are that if one company seizes mooring then other companies will seek to have that condition flow on. The competitive advantage disappears in the puff of a banker’s cigar.      

Nothing in it for wharfies

Staying back to let the ship go within the shift or getting a four-hour shift that turns into a lashing gang. Don’t take the bait on this one. The simple facts are wharfies are not better off doing mooring. DP World only want it for a profit grab - Stand up to this!

Linesmen loss of jobs

Hundreds of MUA Linesmen could have their industry eroded as big stevedoring companies like DPW, Patrick and Hutchison move in on the industry. Then Qube wants mooring everywhere and on it goes. Stick up for your comrade's jobs and your rights.

Don’t let DP World win – join the campaign

• Demand that DPW stop mooring implementation and training in all areas mooring is not performed

• Share Linesmen’s videos on Social Media (see MUA Facebook)

• Move resolutions of opposition in your workplace

• Tell DPW you don’t want to do mooring


Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney