Turnbull Government Temporary Licensed Ship A Disgrace

Published: 11 Oct 2016

A bulk carrier granted a Temporary License by the Turnbull Government to replace an Australian ship has been labeled an outrageous disgrace by ITF Australia following revelations the ship’s crew hasn’t been paid for several months.

The ITF has again exposed blatant abuse of Australian shipping legislation and human rights on a Flag of Convenience ship alongside the Queensland Port of Gladstone.

The Maratha Paramount is carrying the cargo of CSL Melbourne after the Australia crew was dragged off the ship by police and security guards earlier this year in Newcastle.

The FOC bulk carrier "MARATHA PARAMOUNT" registered in the Marshal Islands, owned by Sea King LLC in India, managed and crewed by ASP India and chartered byPacific Aluminum based in Newcastle was inspected today and found not to have paid her crew since July this year.

ITF National Coordinator Dean Summers says to make matters even worse they have breached Australia shipping regulations which state that ships trading in our domestic market replacing our domestic crews must pay award minimum rates.

"These bludgers haven’t paid one cent in home allotment wages for months and conditions on board are atrocious," Mr Summers said.

"There is very little food, drinking water is brown and the crew are miserable."

"We are calling on the department of infrastructure to withdraw the license immediately and review the conditions under which the licenses are issued to include human and workers’ rights."

"It is an outrage that Australian crews are dumped and replaced by vulnerable workers who aren't even paid."

"This ship is currently holding at least two government permits one for Pacific Aluminum and one for 105 voyages for Incitec Pivot."


Media Contact: Dean Summers 0419 934 648


Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney