Stocking up for Melbourne Cup? Don't forget to #BoycottCUB

Published: 31 Oct 2016

Melbourne Cup is the race that stops a nation. Let’s make it a day to also stop multinational greed.

The workers at Carlton and United Breweries (CUB) still don't have their jobs and rights back. We need to show CUB management that we are not drinking their products, so let’s all show them on Melbourne Cup Day.

What you need to do is simple: 

  1. RSVP to Boycott CUB Melbourne Cup Day on Facebook
  2. Take a photo with you and your work mates or friends drinking anything but CUB - here's a list of their products
  3. Tweet the photo or post it to your own Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, with the hashtag #BoycottCUB

It's really important that you use the hashtag #BoycottCUB so everyone can see that this is a big collective action. 

Let’s make Melbourne Cup CUB-free nationwide and show them what people power looks like.

Together we’re going to stop multinational corporations treating workers like this.

I can't wait to see your #BoycottCUB pics!

In unity,

Dave Oliver
ACTU Secretary

PS. If you haven’t yet, consider donating to the workers. 143 days is a bloody long time to be locked out of work – they need our support



Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney