The ITF has weighed into the Patrick's dispute

Published: 1 May 2017

The ITF has weighed into the Patrick's dispute. Please read ITF General Secretary Steve Cotton's statement below.

International Transport Workers’ Federation General Secretary Steve Cotton has written to the management of Patrick Stevedores urging them to negotiate in good faith with their workforce amid the ongoing dispute at Port Botany.

“The ITF has become aware of a number of disputes in your Port Botany terminal, including outsourcing rail work, and the decision by Patrick Stevedores to sub lease an area inside the terminal to their owners Qube-Brookfield to carry out work performed traditionally by Australian wharfies, this includes forklift, reachstacker, clerical, and foreman duties,” the letter says.
"This decision is not supported by the ACTU and we support the Maritime Union of Australia in their struggle in support of wharfies and maritime workers.

The ITF Executive shows its support for Patrick’s Dockers

"We are reminded of the 1998 dispute during the national lockout of MUA workers from the Australian waterfront by Patrick, and a return to their anti-union crusade.

"The ITF condemns these decisions in the strongest possible terms and recognise our solidarity with the Maritime Union of Australia and their fight for justice on the Sydney waterfront.

"We are aware of attempts by the MUA Sydney Branch to negotiate a resolution of the disputes, and we urge you in the strongest possible terms to resolve the disputes so as to avoid protracted industrial disputation which is not in the interest of Patrick, but more importantly the wharfies you employ.

"We look forward to you resolving this dispute as soon as possible with the Maritime Union of Australia Sydney Branch."


Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney