Vale John Furlow

Published: 17 Aug 2017

I have been advised by Carole Furlow, John’s wife, that John had passed away recently and she was keen for his former shipmates and MUA members to be aware of his passing.

I have been advised by Carole Furlow, John’s wife, that John had passed away recently and she was keen for his former shipmates and MUA members to be aware of his passing.

Like many seafarers of the day, John jumped ship in Melbourne in 1959, very quickly joined the Seaman’s Union of Australia and was a member for a considerable number of years, shipping out of Tasmania. John was a good shipmate and unionist and had been retired for some time, but always took great interest in the twists and turns of the industry and the union also.


Our condolences to the Furlow family and Carole. Rest in peace Comrade. Fair weather and a full sail.

Mick Doleman


Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney