Queensland Branch News Wins QCU Award For Best Union Small Publication

Published: 7 May 2018

The Queensland Branch of the MUA has received the Queensland Council of Unions (QCU) award for 'Best Union Small Publication’ for it’s weekly Queensland Branch News.

The award was announced on Friday night at the QCU Labour Day Awards and presented by ACTU Secretary Sally McManus to MUA Queensland Branch State Organiser Paul Petersen on behalf of the branch.
"Paul Petersen is an exceptional man and has worked the last 18 days straight to make our May Day Function and today’s march a success and as he took the award on behalf of the branch it is only fitting he is given some recognition,” Queensland Branch Secretary Bob Carnegie said today.
“The Queensland Branch News aims to get relevant union, industry and topical events out to members. There is also a weekly book review, a cartoon corner and at times our resident poet even strings a few words together."


Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney