Newcastle Youth Committee raise over $4500 to support the Newcastle Night Angels

Published: 21 Jun 2018

The Newcastle Youth Committee have been active in helping the homeless in Newcastle – raising over $4500 for Night Angels to provide support to people who sleep rough in the Hunter.


Youth Committee Members Steven Murray, Joey Schneider and Cameron Burns delivered backpacks, sleeping bags and opal cards to the up to 100 people who sleep on the streets.




Samantha from Newcastle Night Angels said there had been a big rise in homelessness and thanked the MUA for their support.

“Maritime Union of Australia I couldn’t wish for a better bunch of guys. Wonderful people,” she said.

Steve Murray said that the donation was timely given the start of winter.

"The Youth Committee has put forward a donation of $4500. We thought it would be good to give out some backpacks and other gear to help out the homeless," he said.

Joey Schneider said there was over 100 homeless people bedding down in Newcastle in the middle of winter.

"Its just not on it shouldn't happen.

Cameron Burns said homelessness is on the rise.

"It is an issue in Newcastle and all across Australia with attacks on social welfare. Youth homelessness is also on the rise," he said.

Glen Williams, Newcastle Branch Secretary said this is an initiative of our young members who went out raised the money to help those in our community who for various reasons have fallen on hard times.

"The youth committee deserve credit for showing initiative and getting out there and taking action. They are a great example of the work the MUA does supporting our community," he said.



Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney