MUA members at Patrick East Swanson Dock show their support for Esso Longford lockout workers

Published: 23 Jul 2018

MUA members at Patrick East Swanson Dock have shown their solidarity with workers who have been on a picket line for more than a year as part of the Esso Longford dispute.

A picket line was established at Longford in Victoria's east in June 2017 after about 200 maintenance workers refused to sign a new workplace agreement with Esso maintenance subcontractor UGL and their employment was terminated.

The new enterprise agreement was signed by five people in Western Australia who were not offshore workers at the time. 

The agreement slashed pay by 30 per cent, and reduced annual leave and other conditions.

ETU Delegate Dane Coleman and AMWU Delegate Troy Carter met with MUA Deputy National Secretary Will Tracey, MUA Victorian Branch Assistant Secretary Bobby Patchett and the Patrick ESD Committee in Melbourne last Friday.
"The meeting lasted more than two hours; the delegates explained their situation and thanked Patrick ESD members for their ongoing support and donations,” Patchett said. 
“The MUA will be with them every step of the way."


Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney