Hutchison Ports "Slash and Burn" must be rejected

Published: 27 Sep 2018

Hutchison Ports Australia have delivered a brutal and totally outrageous log of claims to the MUA and its members going further than any previous stevedoring employer in waterfront history in attacking wages and working conditions on the waterfront.

Even Patrick after the 1998 lockout had a less aggressive log of claims than the Hutchison tilt at the MUA in the 2018 EBA. This attack on wharfies will be fought against and defeated as an anti-­‐union attack on the entire industry. Not only will the Hutchison wharfies stand up – so will every wharfie in the country to defend ourselves against such huge attacks on our lives and families.


Click here to view flyer detailing the outrageous claims 


Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney