Workers Rally to Change The Rules With Federal Election Looming

Published: 25 Oct 2018

Tens of thousands of workers have taken to the streets as part of the ACTU’s ongoing ‘Change The Rules’ rallies.

Sydney and Melbourne port terminals were partially shut down as MUA members exercised their right for sanctioned stop-work meetings.



Rallies took place in Sydney, Wollongong, Gladstone, Cairns, Mackay, Darwin, Rockhampton, Townsville and Melbourne, calling on the Federal Government to change the rules so working people have pay rises that keep up with the cost of living.


Between October 18 in Perth and November 20 in Canberra and Brisbane, workers from 22 locations are taking to the streets across Australia. 

“Working people in Australia are demanding that the rules are changed,” ACTU Secretary Sally McManus said.
“This political protest is aimed at making Scott Morrison and Federal politicians listen - our wages are going backwards, families are struggling, too many people are stuck in insecure work.

‘We need to bring back balance to the system so working people get fair pay rises.

“It is not right that profits are up, CEO bonuses are up, but our pay is not.”

Wage growth is at near record lows, with four out of five working people not getting pay rises that keep up with the cost of living.

The current Australian minimum wage is not a living wage, and is no longer keeping people out of poverty. 


Today, more than 28,000 people are homeless but working full-time.

Forty percent of working people are in insecure work – either in casual work, dependent on contracting, in labour hire, getting too few hours, or in the gig economy.

We need to change the rules so working people get a fair go, fair pay rises, and jobs they can count on.

Working people need the tools and power to win fair pay rises. 

This includes making our bargaining system fair, increasing the minimum wage to a living wage, ensuring award minimums improve over time, penalty rates to be restored, wage theft ended, and secure and equal pay for women.


Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney