Brisbane Ferry Workers Set to Strike

Published: 5 Dec 2018

This Thursday workers who run ferries on the Brisbane river will take 48 hours of protected strike action in pursuit of a fair go and a fair EBA. Owner Transdev to date has been nothing more than a dodgy foreign company who pays less than 3% tax and contributes very little to the people of Brisbane.

Jason Miners Qld Branch Deputy Secretary says "These workers are cannon fodder for a dodgy tender which saw some sections of the workforce paid under the award for years on end".



"These workers, who love serving the people of Brisbane, are from all walks of life, be it grandmothers, students and professional mariners who hold the responsibility of looking after 5 million people a year from home and abroad".

"These workers have had enough after almost a year of bargaining and bully like tactics form the multinational corporation Transdev".

"Going on strike was the last thing these workers wanted to do but they have been left with no choice as Transdev continues to gouge money by way of wages and maintenance/safety standards out of the BCC contract and the working men and women who deliver a great service to regular customers and an experience to visitors". 

"These workers don’t want much. They are just sick of going backwards as Transdev steam roll their agenda of greed and abhorrent treatment of their staff to maximise the profits they take back overseas".


You can join these workers this Thursday morning from 0600 at the Hawthorne ferry terminal.

Media contact: Jason Miners 0401211866 Deputy Branch Secretary QLD Branch, Maritime union of Australia division of the CFMMEU. 


Watch Channel 7 New Report




Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney