Report 00017

Published: 8 May 2014

Defects or Issues Identified

"No longer work Bay 70, as the AFT end cannot be rectified, and creates a high risk to work safely in. Obstructions and narrow access makes the aft end of this bay unsafe. There is no load/unload planned for Adelaide in this bay, and other Ports should be advised and adopt the same conclusion. Fwd end of Bay 01 (05-10 slots) have a platform and railings that create narrow access. Chief officer and Bosun to rectify with extension of platform before next visit."


DP World - Flinders, ACT

Port arrival

29/09/2013 22:00:00

Previous Issues

Bay 70 not being able to be rectified due to design.

Actions Taken

  • Safety Report Lodged with company

Further details



Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney