Report 00028

Published: 8 May 2014

Defects or Issues Identified

"FWD end of Bay 01 is too narrow on outboard cells (05,06,07,08). Aft end of Bay 51 is too narrow and does not allow safe working access. Aft end of bay 59 is too narrow and does not provide safe access. Bay 49, outboard lashing platforms require an extended safety hoop to be installed, as there is no hoop above 2m, which creates a fall hazard. Gap between 20' on deck is less than 550mm."


Flinders Adelaide Container Terminal

Port Arrival

25/08/2013 12:00:00

Previous Issues

"Gap between 20' on deck is less than 550mm. (prev. noted in our port) high cube containers lashed 3 high will create heavy workload above shoulder height. (also prev. noted). Mostly Ship design, so hard to rectify."

Actions Taken

  • Safety Report Lodged with company
  • "A deficiency was placed on the vessel on Evening shift, for the cargo operations to start on the Midnight shift, so my guess is the crew will do. I spoke with the chief officer, who was very understanding and helpful, who continues to rectify where possible, and sends photos to the shipping company for answers. I mentioned my position of the work being unsafe to be carried out by anyone, and the only solution should be safe measures (extra help/platforms/scaffolding) to unload/unlash cargo, then not load in those bays until a solution is found, and the deficiency is rectified. This will not happen!"

Further Details

"Mind your head at the top of the gangway."


Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney