Report 00062

Published: 9 May 2014

Defects or Issues Identified

"When High Cube containers are loaded in 42 Bay. The AFT end (between 43 and 45 bay) cannot be safely lashed or unlashed without having to hold the 3 high lashing bars (long bars) above your shoulder height. This is due to a step down access way at this particular bay."


DP World - Adelaide

Port Arrival

16/12/2012 20:00:00

Actions Taken

  • Safety Report Lodged with company
  • "Noted deficiency on our vessel safety inspection sheet. Signed for work not to be performed by stevedores or crew) until safe platforms had been erected. Supplied a deficiency notice on the vessel to fix and comply before coming back to Adelaide (company issued). And emailed a recommendation to not load 9'6" containers at that particular bay."

Further Details

"I will notify the branch and AMSA on 18/12/12."

Onward Port

Auckland, NZ


Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney