Report 00067

Published: 9 May 2014

Defects or Issues Identified

"Bay 01 cannot be safely accessed. Very small opening. Aft end of Bay 03 has rectified safety rails, but are less than 1 metre high. Bay 03 has no provisions for fall protection around an open hatch. Bay 03 access is positioned under 09/10 position, and certainly cannot be accessed if a container is loaded here. Fwd end of bay 05 has approx. a 200mm gap to access/work. Too narrow, and far less than the recommended working space (550mm). Access to bay 07 has insufficient fall protection at the top of the ladder to prevent someone falling overboard. New hand rails have been installed, but nothing to extend to the side of the vessel. Fwd end of bay 54 when lashed, has the lashing bars protruding into the main passageway at the outboard cells. This creates insufficient access, and should be unlashed before work commences, and then only re lashed on completion of all works, and requirement for safe access. (maybe an exemption should be applied for here???). All cross deck walkways beneath lashing platforms have reefer points, limiting smooth access from Port to Starboard, and all lashing platforms have lashing storage racks that narrow the working space."



Previous Issues

"First time in Adelaide, but it seems improvements are trying to be made."

Actions Taken

  • Safety Report Lodged with company
  • AMSA Notified
  • "Ops manager was going to forward deficiency reports and vessel inspection to AMSA and APL."

Onward Port

Fremantle (returning)


Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney