Report 878590

Published: 21 Aug 2014


It has come to our attention in our end of swing meeting that there are holes in tank tops in the engine room, most notably in one if the fuel oil tanks which has been pumped to other tanks and a fresh water tank. We are told the company (Seabird Exploration) have been made aware of this and they have not made any actions other than to suggest welding a plate over the holes on top of the fuel tank. This cannot be done at sea and is certainly a drydock job. I believe the medic/hse has a copy of an incident report form relating to this which I will attempt to get a copy of and forward in person to the WA branch. We are due in Bali in 2 days for redelivery.




Ship Name:

Aquila explorer


Type of vessel/cargo:

Seismic survey


Previous deficiencies/issues:

I am unsure as we have only done one swing here.


Vessel is headed to an onward port:




en route to Bali (redelivery)


When the vessel arrived in port:

2014/08/20 16:00


Actions Taken: 

Safety report lodged with company.

A report has been filed with the company. WA branch to be notified.




Report Key: 878590




Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney