Greens: Caltex Job Losses a Sign of Things to Come Under Abbott’s Shipping Deregulation Plans

Published: 8 Jul 2015

With Caltex cutting adrift its workers in Devonport, the Greens condemn the Abbott government’s plans for further deregulation of the local shipping industry.

“Caltex’s plan to lay off Alexander Spirit workers is a sign of things to come if Tony Abbott gets his way in deregulating the local shipping industry,” said the Australian Greens spokesperson for transport and infrastructure Senator Janet Rice.

” The plan comes after the Abbott government introduced legislation to deregulate the shipping industry and allow overseas shipping workers to be paid as little as $2 an hour on Australian shipping lanes.

“Caltex’s decision comes as an increasing number of freight journeys are being made by ships operating on temporary licences, putting workers’ rights and environmental protections at risk,” said Senator Rice.

“If Tony Abbott gets his way, we’re facing a future of virtually no ships crewed by Australian workers. “The Greens stand with the Alexander Spirit workers in Devonport who now face an uncertain future. Caltex must respect its obligations to the Alexander Spirit workers. “We will fight Tony Abbott’s attacks on Australian local shipping jobs and stand up for maritime workers’ rights.”


Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney