MUA Shows Vodafone a Real #BigLittleProtest

Published: 26 Aug 2015

As a result of Hutchison’s intransigence in negotiations the Maritime Union of Australia has been forced to ramp up its campaign. 

Today, in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane, members and their supporters took the protest to Vodafone, which is half owned by Hutchison.


The groups in each city targeted retail stores and handed out leaflets informing the public of what had happened to the 97 sacked Hutchison wharfies.

In addition to this social media campaigners took to their keyboards to join Vodafone’s campaign, which ironically encourages protest. #BigLittleProtest, which was designed to get consumers to protest inconsequential matters to do with their network provider, has been inundated with irate wharfies and their sympathisers.


Using social media and the hashtag: #BigLittleProtest anyone can tell Vodafone exactly what you think of Hutchison’s actions.

There is also this petition telling Vodafone that being terminated via SMS is unacceptable and they must help restore communications at the Sydney and Brisbane Ports.


Keep update on the Hutchison campaign by going to this page on the website and this Facebook page.

Donations can be made here.

More photos can be viewed here.


Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney