MUA sends condolences to Norwegian union movement

Published: 26 Jul 2011

MUA National Secretary Paddy Crumlin sends sincere condolences on behalf of all MUA members to the people of Norway following recent tragic events.

The Maritime Union of Australia extends its deepest sympathy and solidarity to the people of Norway at this time of national mourning.

The bombings in Oslo and shootings on Utoya Island are a deep tragedy that have shocked the global labour movement.

Right across the world people have been shocked and distressed by the attacks on Norway, its people, its democratic institutions and on the Arbeiderpartiet - the Norwegian Labour Party.
That the attack on Utoya Island was targeted at young people – all under the age of 25 – makes such an an event even more incomprehensible.
Many of those attending were part of the Norwegian trade union movement, and shared the values we all hold dear. There is no place in a civilized world for such a barbaric act.
At this terrible time for members of the Arbeiderpartiet, and their youth organisation the Arbeidernes Ungdomsfylking (AUF), many MUA members have expressed their grief and sorrow as the tragedy unfolded before us.
We join with our union and political comrades around the world in sending our deepest condolences. The MUA offers any assistance we can provide, a sentiment we know is shared by our members.
The atrocity will be felt most sorely by those closest to it. Our thoughts and wishes are with the family and friends of victims.

The political motivation behind the attack is particularly disturbing. MUA members stand shoulder to shoulder with Norwegian trade unions in condemning the repugnant ideology behind these attacks.

Norway's labour movement has been an exemplar to trade unions around the world.

We have no doubt that the same spirit of solidarity that has given Norway's working people some of the the world's best living conditions will help you through this current tragedy.

Please note: A special webpage has been set up to help those wishing to express their solidarity with the people of Norway following these atrocities.


A downloadable pdf is accessible below.


Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney