Save Our Seafarers - ITF Campaign

Published: 18 Oct 2011

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The six-minute video, launched at the Safety4Sea international maritime security conference in Athens, highlights the significant threat of Somali piracy attacks for the worldwide seafarer community and potentially for world trade itself, and spells out the human and economic costs.

The hard-hitting video, which starts with a "Hollywood style" action sequence showing a ship's capture, includes interviews with a former hostage, the European Union naval force (EUNAVFOR) chief of staff and a member of the SOS steering group.

The SOS Save Our Seafarers anti-piracy campaign has launched a short video - posted on You Tube - highlighting the human and economic cost of Somali piracy.

The campaign hopes that the video will reach a wider audience, outside as well as inside the maritime industry, and win more support for the call for more determined government action against Somali piracy.

More than 23,000 people worldwide have already signed up to the SOS campaign, which was launched in March.

Sign up now!



Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney