MUA members vote to accept Sydney Ferries offer

Published: 22 Nov 2011

MUA members today approved the negotiated outcome for the transition of Sydney Ferries at a stopwork meeting in Sydney.

Some key features of transitional arrangements are:

*MUA members employed at Sydney Ferries will get an annual pay rise of 3.25% for the next two years.

*MUA members will have two years of no forced redundancy, from the date of transfer to the new operator.

*All permanent members under the MUA EBA will be offered the opportunity transfer across to the new operator and will retain their seniority

*All casual employees will be offered the opportunity to transfer to the new operator and will retain their seniority

*All leave entitlements will be underwritten by the State Government

*Employees with six years service will receive a transfer payment equivalent to thirty weeks pay, on a sliding scale for those with less than six years experience.

 Sydney Branch Assistant Secretary, Paul Garrett said: "This has been a tough negotiation and the Union has worked hard to secure the best interests of the Sydney Ferries workforce.
"It is pleasing that we have been able to negotiate the immediate job security of our members, along with hard-fought conditions.
"The MUA now looks forward to the the O'Farrell Government delivering on its promise to provide better public transport services for the people of NSW."


Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney