International Solidarity In Fight Against DP World's Automation

Published: 12 Mar 2013

Wharfies in the Port of Brisbane, Australia are facing a struggle to protect their jobs and working conditions due to automation plans by global network terminal (GNT) operator DP World (DPW).

Image - DPWorldCastle.jpg
In a show of global solidarity the Maritime Union of Australia (MUA) has received dozens of letters of support from affiliated unions all over the globe, condemning the actions of DP World, Brisbane. 

This comes after the International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF) has been calling on dockers’ unions worldwide to show their solidarity with workers in Brisbane as the MUA calls for constructive negotiation over the proposals. 

Dockers must unite to face the challenges of a changing industry together and ensure that automation is not used as a tool to reduce union power.

Some of the letters are available to download below:

To read the letter of support from the Maritime Union of New Zealand, click here.

To read the letter of support from the National Federation of Dockworkers Unions of Japan, click here.

To read the letter of support from the Dockers Union of Russia, click here.

To read the letter of support from the Eastonian Seamens' Independent Union, click here.

To read the letter of support from the Belgische Transportarbeidersbond (BTB-Belgium), click here.

To read the letter of support from the TCM-UGT (Spain), click here.

Image - joe_fleetwood_20_3_13_DPW_Sydney_solidarity.jpgImage - Ref 1525 Solidaridad DPW Brisbane.jpg

Image - Solidarity Letter MUA.jpgImage - Solidarity Letter.jpg
Image - National Federation of Dockworkers Unions of Japan.jpgImage - Vestule Blank.jpg


Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney