PM Hails WA Conference

Published: 25 Feb 2013

As the Western Australia branch conference opened today, Prime Minister Julia Gillard greeted the delegates with a strong message of solidarity.

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As As the Western Australia branch conference opened today, Prime Minister Julia Gillard greeted the delegates with a strong message of solidarity.



Dear comrades, colleagues and friends:

I can’t be there in person, but as a proud Labor Leader, I’m certainly there in spirit today.

I’m deeply proud of each of you – for the job you do as workers to make this a nation of opportunity; and for the job you do as unionists to make this a nation of fairness.

The MUA has been a voice for fairness and opportunity since 1872, and few unions have your amazing record of strength and solidarity in good times and in bad.

Because the two wings of the Labour Movement – party and unions – have worked hand in hand for a better Australia, we’ve achieved some remarkable things.

Our world leading coastal shipping reforms are the most significant change to the industry since 1912. We’ve unified transport regulation. We’re making record infrastructure funding commitments like the Gateway project. And of course, we’ve consigned WorkChoices to the dustbin of history where it belongs.

Plus we’ve recently announced a $1 billion jobs package to help provide local content on major resources projects and with it, employment for our kids and grandkids.

That’s all very well but now comes the tough part – to defend what we have.
As Paddy says, the fight to keep our jobs and rights on the job is on. If ever there was a year to organise and unite, then 2013 is it.

Let’s fight hard. Let’s fight together. Let’s fight to win.

The Honourable Julia Gillard

MP Prime Minister of Australia 


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Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney