MUA National Safety Conference 2012

Published: 3 Dec 2012

The Maritime Union of Australia (MUA) kicked off its first day of a three-day National Safety Conference in Brisbane with detailed discussions in an aim to bring together seafarers, stevedores and port workers from various areas and undertake a comprehensive review around safety.

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Assistant National Secretary Warren Smith opened the conference and stressed the unions need to collectivise all struggles through safety in order to improve conditions across the industry.

“All the conditions that we have ever won, we have won through struggle,”

“Unless we are organised and united on the job, we will lose,”

“Specifically we want to develop practical organisation around safety and deliver concrete outcomes that the union can deliver.” Mr Smith said.

The opening day of the conference also heard from union officials representing the ACTU, AMWU, MUNZ, ETU and the AMOU.

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Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney