White Ribbon Day: A Message From Mick Doleman

Published: 21 Nov 2012

The  White Ribbon campaign is underway—and we want you to throw your support behind it.

The campaign seeks to stop violence against women, and it's a campaign the MUA has fully supported for many years.

"I would encourage every member to get behind the campaign." MUA Deputy National Secretary, Mick Doleman

Here are a few simple things you can do to support the campaign:

1. Whether you are on a ship, on a wharf, or at home, this White Ribbon day, swear the oath and join in the MUA photo competition. Get your crew to make up a sign saying "We swear" and where you are from. Send it through to crew.lists@mua.org.au 

2. Participate in an event in the coming days. See a list of all the events in Australia right here

3. Please sign the White Ribbon oath here

4. Finally, here is a logo you can add to your emails for the next few weeks to show solidarity with the campaign.

Thank you for your support for a campaign that is important for every Australian.



Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney