One ship. $78k. Thats the ITF way

Published: 15 Nov 2012

On Sunday the 11th of November, Jason Miners, Maritime Union of Australia Queensland organiser, boarded a Korean-flagged ship called the JIN HYANG in Gladstone. He was following instructions from International Transport Workers' Federation coordinator Dean Summers to ensure the crew would receive $78,623 in back wages.

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“On arrival I was greeted by some pretty emotional seafarers who were showing ominous signs of distress, once it was established who I was and the reason for my visit all 17 Seafarers broke out with relief and happiness” Jason said

This visit was brought on by a national campaign during the week of action. Matt Purcell, assistant coordinator, made the initial discovery and started the process to recover the missing wages for the crew of the vessel.

It was also discovered that some of the crew had not had leave for over 6 months which is common on FOC vessels.

“The owners, shippers and operators of these vessels do not care about the wellbeing of crew; they care about the bottom line. All corners are cut to achieve a profit including holding back wages, scrimping on provisions and protective clothing and the worst of all, keeping them from their families” National ITF coordinator Dean Summers said.

“The ITF FOC Week of Action, currently underway, seeks to highlight the atrocious conditions that exist for these seafarers. Without the assistance of the ITF they would never have a chance to stand up for what is rightfully theirs”

To find out more about the ITF week of Action go to the Facebook page





Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney