Crumlin: Transport Workers Around The World Welcome Moroccan Trade Unionists Release

Published: 2 Oct 2012

The release of a Moroccan dockworker from prison has today been welcomed by transport workers around the world, Maritime Union of Australia (MUA) National Secretary and International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) President Paddy Crumlin said today.

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"Dockworkers, seafarers and other transport workers around the world and their unions welcome the release of Brother Said.” 

“Unfortunately he was gaoled for nothing more than meeting the obligatory international obligations in protecting labour rights and obligations applying equally to including employers and governments.

On June 16th active trade union leaders, Said El Hairech, General Secretary of ITF-affiliated union, Union des Syndicats UMT des Transports, chair of the ITF Arab World committee and Mohamed Chamchati, General Secretary of the merchant seafarers’ union were arrested for trade union activities.

It is believed that El Hairech was imprisoned for his recent involvement in high-profile union cases in Morocco, he assisted in defending the rights of stranded Moroccan seafarers following the bankruptcy of the Comarit-Comanav ferry company, and was also closely involved in the securing of a collective agreement for dockers in the Eurogate terminal in Tangiers, Morocco.

Mr Crumlin also said that the Moroccan Government must take further measures to ensure that they do not violate people's rights.

“The Moroccan Government now has a clear opportunity to show regional leadership by ensuring those obligations are protected in national law in away acceptable to every country accepting it's civil human and labour rights aspirations and responsibilities."

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Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney