Asia Pacific regional ITF conference endorse White Ribbon Day

Published: 24 May 2010

The International Transport Workers' Federation Asia Pacific regional conference met in Manila in May, with delegates also joining the campaign to end voilence against women.

During proceedings delegates took time to pause and reflect on the White Ribbon campaign, that is celebrated each year as part of the UN campaign to eliminate violence against women (see photo). 

The MUA delegation included Mick Doleman, Deputy National Secretary, Dean Summers, ITF Australia, Mich-Elle Myers, MUA/ITF women's representative and Paul McAleer, MUA Sydney.

ITF Asia Pacific regional chair Hanifi Rustandi led the proceedings, with Alex Gallacher, TWU as vice chair and Richard Barnes, AMOU, vice chair Asia Pacific seafarers section. 

"A highlight of the meeting was the report from Indian dockworkers on their victory over GTI/Maersk," said Mick Doleman.  "Dockworkers in the port of Mumbai had been subjected to bashings and intimidation for their union activity (see Stop the Bloodshed).  But after a concerted ITF campaign which Paddy Crumlin played a key role in, Maersk and their contractor came to an agreement with the union at the end of the day. '

The  Indian dockworkers thanked the ITF delegates for the solidarity they displayed across the globe from the SIU in the USA to the 3F (Maritime and General Union in Denmark and the MUA in Australia, he said.




Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney