Published: 6 Jul 2010
In a number of ports there have been reports that companies are seeking to remove the hatchman from operations particularly in Bulk and General operations. Marine Orders are clear on these points and the relevant sections of Marine Orders 32 are reproduced here (and in the leaflet attached) for the information of members.
In a number of ports there have been reports that companies are seeking to remove the hatchman where loading or unloading of cargo by means of a crane or derrick is taking place. This is occurring mainly in Bulk and General operations. This creates an unsafe operation which can pose serious injury and death to waterside workers. Clearly this attack upon our legitimate and legal rights is unacceptable and must be fought against.
Marine Orders are clear on these points and the relevant sections of Marine Orders 32 are reproduced here (and in the leaflet attached) for the information of members.
The leaflet can be placed on the job as a reminder to all members (and employers) of our rights in relation to the hatchman. The leaflet can be made into an A3 poster as well if desired.
Commonly asked questions:
What if the company doesn't pick up a hatchman?
In this situation go to work and through the process of a Job Safety Analysis determine whether or not the Marine Orders are being complied with.
If you have a restricted view of the load at any time you will need a hatchman. If a hatchman is denied you have the right to stop work as the job is unsafe and presents an imminent risk to the health and safety of workers.
Don't be forced to work without a hatchman if you need one.
What if the company sacks us or puts us off pay?
Contact a Branch Official immediately and you will be supported. You can't be sacked for obeying the law and Marine Orders are the LAW. It is our right to a safe workplace. No more fatalities.
What if I am victimised by the company as a result?
Again contact a Branch Official and the MUA will support you 100%. We cannot stand for the undermining of safety through harassment and intimidation by the company.
Appendix 18 Clause No.1
Provision of hatchman
Loading or unloading by means of a crane or derrick must not be carried out unless:
the driver has an unrestricted view of the load at all times during loading or unloading;
a hatchman is employed for each crane or set of derricks who is clearly visible to the driver(s).
Appendix 6 Clause No. 4
Cargo space lookout
Where persons are in a cargo space in connection with loading or unloading, whether or not a crane or derrick is being used, there must be a lookout who:
(a) has a good view of the space;
(b) is able to see potential dangers to the persons in the space; and
(c) is able to communicate with the persons in the space,
and who must warn persons in the space of any perceived danger.
Note: The cargo space lookout may be a person with other duties, such as a hatchmen or the crane driver, provided that the person is capable of performing all assigned duties effectively.