Patrick conviction makes waves

Published: 24 Jan 2011

Court ruling against Patrick brings back old memories in media and legal circles.

The Melbourne magistrates judgement against Patrick last week and criminal conviction for discriminating against an OHS Representative has sparked widespread interest.  

Not only is it  in the words of Ian Bray, MUA (AFR, 22/1/11) " a clear message to not just the stevedoring industry, but industry as a whole." about employers having to take safety reps seriously, it's brought back some old memories.

Today's AFR's Rear Window takes not that acting on behalf of the prosecution was Herman Borenstein of the 1998 Patrick/MUA conspiracy case fame.

Under the headline "Dogs of wharves war unleashed again" and a cartoon by Clement, Rear Window notes "as keen observers of the history of this pair of star-crossed combatants would recall, Borenstein formed one part of the famous trio - with Julian Burnside,QC and Josh Bornstein - that successfully and famously pursued Patrick on behalf of the union before the turn of the century."

See also 

Shipping giant Patrick convicted, fined


Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney